The Extraordinary Accomplishments of Archibald Alexander


Archibald Alexander – April 17, 1772, to October 22, 1851: Authored 178


Princeton Theological Seminary

An introduction to a man whose qualities were a combination of three important characteristics.  Archibald Alexander was a man of faith, with true leadership abilities in both education and theology.   

Archibald Alexander was an extraordinary American theologian, Presbyterian, and educator who was born on April 17, 1772, in Virginia in and around the county of Rockbridge in South River.  Alexander attended the Reverend William Graham Academy at the meeting house of Timber Ridge when he was only 10 years old.

There he met an older lady named Mrs. Tyler who shared her experiences with him about God. Alexander played a key role in the Great Revivals, and this influenced his religious life as well.  Soon Alexander enjoyed divinity and he became very interested in Religion and God. Alexander was led to focus on Christianity and in 1794, he was ordained as a Presbyterian Minister and sought out a path to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Alexander was an itinerant pastor in several counties including Prince Edward County, and in 1797, he dedicated his life to education and became the President of Hampden-Sydney College located in Virginia.

In addition, he was also the pastor of a Philadelphia church called Pine Street Presbyterian Church for five years. The year 1812 was probably the most significant year in Alexanders’ life when he was appointed as the first professor at Princeton Theological Seminary where he devoted 49 years of service served for 39. This seminary is the cornerstone of theological education and continues to remain relevant even today. His work in theology and education is quite considerable as he has articles in the Princeton Review and is the author of books used in the field of education in numerous languages.

 Archibald Alexander's Spiritual Life

Archibald Alexander's theological belief system was based upon reforming theology. Alexander held the bible in high regard and believed that because Adam and Eve had sinned everyone is born a sinner and is subjected to corruptive behavior and actions, and that only by God's grace could people receive salvation. In addition, he believed that it was the holy spirit that transformed people into believing and living a Christian life. Alexander was an educator, and he incorporated his theology into scholarship.

Archibald Alexander's most influential works:

"Thoughts on Religious Experience (1844)-Alexander explores the nature of religious

 experiences and their impact on believers."

"The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained-Alexander examines the biblical canon

 and its formation." 

"The Log College-Biographical sketches of William Tennent and his students, highlighting the

 early American Presbyterian educational efforts." 

"Practical Truths collection of sermons and practical theological insights."


Hampden–Sydney College. “History of Hampden–Sydney College.” Accessed June 28,



      Princeton Theological Seminary. “About Princeton Theological Seminary.” Accessed June


28, 2024.


Otis, Bass. Portrait of Archibald Alexander. Princeton Theological Seminary Library,


Princeton, New Jersey. Accessed June 28, 2024.


Pine Street Presbyterian Church. “Our history.” Accessed June 28, 2024.



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